Michele Nordhal / Tailors

Michele Nordhal


The jobs I remember best are the ones where I have to almost solve a puzzle to make it happen.
I was on a Doritos photoshoot where none of the rented costumes had been pre-matched to the models, so a lot had to be modified in hidden ways that could be returned to the original by the end of the day. On an- other job, I had free rein to design an Iolanta look from a Pinterest board for the Dallas Opera book, and created several adjustable pieces so it was rearrangable on set. I’ve sewn emergency blankets into skirts, added a windy look with fishing line or wires, and figured out how to make remov- able topiary animal clothes.


I work fast under pressure. Also, I jump easily from mens- wear to women’s, to home decor. I’m known to
make things from scratch, sewing for permanent wear, and being able to alter and return to the origi- nal after the shoot.


The thing about crafting a career from a lifelong hobby is that eventually it’s hard to tell where work stops and home life begins. I’ve spent a solid week hand-sewing sequins onto a t-shirt. My current ongoing projects have been crocheting a matching pair of 2.5’- wide beaded doilies, hand-repairing a family-heirloom crazy quilt, and customizing dolls and stuffed animals into mythological characters.